The collaborative network

Since the fulfilment of the objectives requires a wide range of different expertise, GetRadi integrates research groups with complementing knowledge into an international and intersectorial network.

In this network, different rare diseases are targeted and relevant model systems are applied to guarantee a comprehensive and broad training of GetRadi fellows. This excellent and unique training profile will strongly promote their chances for a future career in the field of gene therapy and provide the industry with gene therapy experts desperately needed to address the urgent requests from patients suffering from rare diseases for better treatment.

PhD hosting partners:

  • AstraZeneca (AZ) is a large pharmaceutical company with a research driven profile. AZ further develops CRISPR genome editing and implements it across all its research platforms, including the development of precision medicines for rare diseases.
  • Miltenyi Biotec (MB) is a pioneer and global leader in the field of cell and gene therapy technologies including automated cell with a focus on innovation. Automated cell processing enabling GMP production of gene modified cells is a key interest in that area.
  • The University of Copenhagen (UCPH) has a strong experience in CRISPR mediated genome editing in cells and mice and in corresponding disease models.
  • The Max Delbrück Center in Berlin (MDC) is a leader in optimization of transgenic technologies and CRISPR genome editing.
  • The Center of Chronic Immunodeficiency (CCI) at the Medical Center University of Freiburg (UKLFR) is committed to improve gene therapy in patients and currently explores the potential of CRISPR.
  • The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics in Prague of the Institute of Molecular Genetics (IMG) is the only national provider of transgenic services and dedicated to offer latest technologies to their users.
  • The University of Leiden Medical College (LUMC) team has an established experience in the construction and validation of viral vector transduction technologies and is currently applying this knowledge to introduce CRISPR components to cells.

Associated partners:

  • Synvolux from Leiden, Netherlands, (SV) produces highly efficient transfection reagents with the proprietary SAINT delivery technology involving synthetic lipid structures
  • Amniotics (AMN) from Lund, Sweden, is developing innovative stem cell-based therapeutics. And will provide gene therapy relevant training on GMP-compliant isolation and in entrepreneurial skills.
  • European Consortium for Communicating Gene and Cell Therapy (EuroGCT) from Edinburgh, UK, is providing rare disease patients, healthcare professionals and citizens with reliable and accessible information on the scientific, legal, ethical and societal aspects concerning the development and application of gene and cell therapies. It will provide GetRadi access to its widely used media channels.